Three Forks, Montana

Stay-at-Home Backyard Photography: #23: Frosty Oak Leaf

November 16, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Saturday night was cold, and gave us our first real frost of the season. The result was a rather beautiful Sunday morning of looking out over frosted grass and leaves, with the air temperature at 25F. But as the sun rose above the trees, the ground warmed and the leaves rapidly turning wet. Before everything melted I grabbed my camera and looked around for a decent composition in the areas still in the shade.

I wasn't too excited about any of the photos I took. The oak leaves and even the maple leaves were all brown, and I was hoping for something more colorful.  (Weeks earlier the red maples had dropped their leaves and they had already been gathered and dismissed to the woods, so there were no more colorful leaves on the ground.)

But a little with the Lightroom brush tool had me smiling.  Basically I used the brush to reduce the exposure on everything surrounding the hero oak leaf that is the main subject.  Because of the white outline of frost on the edges, by darkening the surrounding leaves I was able to make the subject leaf "pop".  This also kept the background from being (too) distracting.


After cropping and processing in Lightroom:

"Frost around the Edges"
November 15, 2020
Panasonic GX80/85
Olympus 60mm F2.8 macro
F5.6 - 1/125sec - ISO320
Processed in Lightroom Classic


Before Cropping and Editing:


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