Three Forks, Montana

Stay-at-Home Photography: 10: Mini Oak Leaf

August 18, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

I plucked this off a tiny oak sapling.  It couldn't have measured longer than one inch.  Held up to the light (with the green of bushes blurred in the background), I loved the beautiful red edges and rim lighting that resulted from backlighting the leaf. I do notice that one result of shooting wide open at F2.8 is that some of the little pointy tips, and a couple of the other areas, are out of focus due to the narrow depth of field. I wish I'd tried focus stacking.

"Little Oak Leaf"
May 17, 2020
Panasonic GX80/85

Olympus 60mm F2.8 Macro (120mm equivalent)
F2.8 - 1/400sec - AutoISO200
Edited in Lightroom



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