Three Forks, Montana

Redoing an image from 2009 using Topaz DeNoise and Nik Viveza

June 12, 2021

This image was taken with my first interchangeable lens digital camera, in the summer of 2009.  It was an Olympus E-520 with the kit 14-42mm lens. My wife and I were visiting a Maine camp I went to as a youngster on a lake near Waterville Maine.  I took this photo while walking around one morning at sunrise, 5:20am to be exact. The image is of an old wooden cat boat with a canvas tent-like cover over the boom.

I thought the original .jpg image was great.  (At the time I was just learning about .raw files.) It is one of my favorite photos, perhaps because of the great memories I have of that camp. But in addition to the memories, I think the soft colors are very appealing.  They remind me of sherbet. And I love the minimalist composition.

I thought that with some of the post processing knowledge I have slowly acquired over the years, plus a couple of handy Lightroom plug-ins, that I could "help" to colors a little.  For this I used Viveza 2.  But I have also acquired Topaz DeNoise AI and this was wonderful in reducing the noise of this 1600 ISO image. It is amazing how bad ISO 1600 was on this old camera.


Here is what I came  up with using Nik Viveza 2 and three control points, and Topaz DeNoise AI at standard auto setting, both set up as plugins to Lightroom Classic:

"Cat Boat"
August 16, 2009
Olympus E-520
14-42mm zoom lens @ 42mm
F5.6 - 1/60sec - ISO1600
Edited in Lightroom, Viveza 2, and Topaz AI DeNoise


Below is the .jpg file I started with. Even with these low resolution images, I think the noise difference is noticeable.

This file was processed in 2009 with the original version of Lightroom.

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