Three Forks, Montana

A June Week in Maine - Part 3: Thomaston Grocery

September 12, 2021

I've read that this brick building was built in 1890. 

Thomaston Grocery has 4.7 stars in Yelp

Thomaston Grocery is the grocery store closest (about 20 minutes) to where we were staying in Spruce Head, Maine for a week.  It would not have been too much further to drive to Rockland to shop in one of at least two large chain markets, but it was much more fun to simplify our lives by shopping at this little local corner store. By the way it has 4.7 stars in Yelp.

Really, it had everything we needed, with of course a few compromises here and there like not having our favorite chips, or when we stopped once and they were sold out of Amy's blueberry pies. Or when they ran out of New York and Boston daily newspapers, but heck, what's wrong with reading the Bangor Daily News?

Sometimes (all the time?) life can be much more enjoyable when things are kept simple and the choices are fewer.

Keeping things simple, all five of the images in this posting were taken with the iPhone 12 mini (i.e. pocketable model).


Amy Upham makes wonderful pies.

Thomaston Grocery seems to do a nice lunch business.
In the back of the store is a deli with a large sandwich menu.



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