Three Forks, Montana

A June week in Maine with views of Lobster Boats - Part 1

August 25, 2021

We were anxious to get a visit to Maine under our belts.  Due to covid, we missed our planned Maine vacations the previous summer (2020).  As I recall, for a while there, folks from Massachusetts weren't exactly welcome in Maine, as our covid numbers were far worse than those in Maine. It seemed to us that driving around with Massachusetts vehicle plates would not have given us the relaxing visit we wanted.

This June was (I am writing this in August) different.  The numbers looked terrific (in June, that is) and we knew we were welcome, as there were no restrictions on non-resident travel.  Plus we'd both been fully vaccinated so we ourselves weren't worried.

We chose to rent for a week an apartment above a boathouse in the Spruce Head area, south of Thomaston.  Over the prior 10 years we'd done this twice before.  It is owned by a camp that I went to as a youngster. The interesting thing about this spot is that it is on a wharf that is shared with working lobstermen. Fortunately, we too like to get up early, as there was often very-early morning activity on the wharf.  On those days, it usually meant sitting on our deck with our morning coffee watching the sunrise and the lobstermen beginning their day.


Boat house on the first floor. Apartment with viewing deck on the second floor.
Obviously low tide.


5:22am as viewed from our deck.


For this post I selected some of the images taken from the apartment (usually the deck, though a favorite one is from inside the kitchen as viewed through a screen window) that have lobstering as a theme. Unfortunately, we had been asked to give the fisherman their privacy, so we stayed off their premises.  We waved back and forth occasionally, but sadly we never had a chance to meet any of them.

4:23am.  This is an iPhone 12 image! OOC jpeg. 
F1.6 - 1/30sec - ISO500

From the kitchen window. iPhone 12.
F1.6 - 1/2000sec - ISO32

iPhone 12 image with ultra wide lens (13mm-equiv)
F2.4 - 1/220sec - ISO25 



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