Two days ago Hurricane Isaias came through New England (by then a "mere" tropical storm). Where we live it was pretty much a non-event. Wind gusts were around 50mph. The next morning there were many tree branches down in the yard, but no tree limbs, and thankfully no trees had fallen. We had also been lucky not to have lost electicity. About 250,000 in Massachusetts had. And even today, two days later, 100,000 are still in the dark.
But the morning after the storm was beautiful. I took my morning walk a bit earlier than usual. 45 minutes on the track of the local high school is my usual walking route. This is a safe place to use earpods and listen to podcasts on my old iPhone 5s, which is also the camera I had with me at 6:45am when I was given this beautiful light.
I have always enjoyed the blue color reproduced by my iPhone, and this image is no exception.
"The Morning After"
August 5, 2020 at 6:45am
iPhone 5S @ 4.15mm (about 28mm equivalent)
F2.2 - 1/2300sec - ISO32
I used the pano mode so I could caputure the light on the stadium as well
as to match the track with the clouds in the sky.