Three Forks, Montana

Stay-at-Home Backyard Photography: 3: Phlox

July 20, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

A fresh blossom along the rock wall surrounding our house, using the small and lightweight package of a Panasonic GX80/85 with the Olympus 60mm F2.8 Macro. It is always nice to photograph a flower before the bugs eat holes in the blossom.

[It is my experience that this is usually done from the underside where the bug is protected from view.  I think I remember from high school biology that there is more moisture on the underside of leaves (transporation?) so maybe the same is true of the blossom.... But don't quote me on that.]

"Phlox on the Rocks"
May 7, 2020
Panasonic GX80/85
Olympus 60mm F2.8 Macro
F4 - 1/1250sec - ISO200
9:30am light was a bit harsh, but I wanted to capture this fresh blossom before the insects found it.



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