Three Forks, Montana

Stay-at-Home Photography: 12: Spirea

August 22, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

On the line between our property and our neighbor is a beautiful Spirea bush.  I'd say it's 10 feet in diameter and 8 feet tall.  The flowers are small and white and easy to ignore.  But like most macro photos, when looking at the images on a computer screen or in print, the details are incredible. Most of us never see this.

For this image I set the Panasonic GX80/85 for 10 focus bracket shots.  My intention is usually to use the largest aperture which is F2.8 on this 60mm Olympus macro lens.  But I see somehow I nudged it to F3.2.  I combined the raw images in Photoshop which automatically aligned and stacked the 10 images into 1 tiff file.

Not much was done to tweak the resulting single tiff file.  I did increase the exposure slider in Lightroom by about one stop, and I further brightened the whites by moving the highlights slider to +30. The texture slider was moved to +20. I left sharpening at default

I used the radial tool to provide a darkened vignette of the areas (the green background mostly) outside the blossoms. 


After stacking and processing


May 23, 2020
Panasonic GX80/85
Olympus 60mm F2.8 Macro (120mm equivalent)
F3.2 - 1/640sec - AutoISO400
Stacked in Photoshop and further edited in Lightroom Classic




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